Archive for the ‘porn’ Category

Sarah Palin Porn Will Be Out Before Election

October 18, 2008

Several things became official with this news.

1) Sarah Palin is a sex symbol.

2) She has surpassed the political arena and is a pop icon.

3) America is truly a depraved Country where Freedom of Speech is abused to appeal to the worst in us.

And who better to make that appeal than this man:

The King of Depravity, Larry Flynt.

Flynt’s Hustler Video is currently shooting a porn film with a Sarah Palin look-alike, titled “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?” A reader of the blog called this to my attention and noted that the spelling is sic and so is Hustler

Sarah is played by porn star Lisa Ann, who starred in a movie called MILF, one of the things Sarah Pain has been called along with V-PILF.

Here is a pic of Lisa Ann:

Not exactly a dead ringer, but close enough for Porn.

TMZ.Com has the story and pictures of Lisa Ann as Sarah Palin.

Some scenes from the script have been leaked. (By the way, how many pages is a porn script? 10 or 15?)

In one scene, Sarah Palin shows some diplomacy to two Russia soldiers who come to her home when their tank breaks down. Here is a photograph from the set courtesy of TMZ:

Click here to see more set shots. TMZ.Com has a whole gallery and Lisa Ann delivers a few of her lines

In another scene — a flashback — “young Paylin’s creationist college professor will explain a ‘big bang’ theory even she can’t deny!”

There’s also a threeway with Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice look-alikes.

The video is in production now and is being fast tracked for release before the election.

Sarah Palin has wide ranging appeal in this election, from the Christian Right to the Perverted Left.

Here is the YOUTUBE video for Who’s Nailin’ Paylin:

The Sexy Librarian Research Project.

September 18, 2008

Since I had some time on my hands, I decided to do an in-depth, academic study on whether or not Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin does look like the stereotypical, “sexy librarian” character that I have heard appears in the kind of movies you see late night on Cinemax. CNS even researched this and found that people like the fact that Sarah Palin looks like an SL an even like the nickname for her.

Here is a model wearing a “Naughty Librarian” costume available on the Internet.


And here is a copy of a soft-core porn book called “Forbidden Reading,” featuring a Sexy Librarian on the cover.

Or how about The Nympho Librarian, now available in paperback:

Here is a cartoon featuring a sexy Librarian:

They all have the bun and the glasses…

….most have the auburn hair.

To show you how mainstream the term is and how deep the fantasy goes. On a site for designer glasses, they even call this one “The Sexy Librarian Look:”

And an old Vargas like drawing shows us the sexy bookworm has been on our minds for quite sometime:

So, in conclusion, yes the “Sexy Librarian” is a common fantasy and is a part of our cultural or subcultural identity. Yes, Sarah Palin does have the “Sexy Librarian” look. The big question is whether Palin went for that look knowing it had a subconscious appeal to voters; or whether she happened to look like a “Sexy Librarian” and there is something wrong with the rest of us.

That my friends is for a future study. In the meantime, a video, courtesy of Lisa Nova, of a sexy librarian: